Article ID 1156
Article Title HOWTO: Open a Table from Windows Explorer using Database Explorer
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KBase Category Visual DataFlex
Date Created 10/02/2000
Last Edit Date 05/26/2008

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Is it possible to open a (DataFlex) table from Windows Explorer directly instead of starting dbExplorer and performing an open-as? I already know which table and where it is located.

Starting with revision 7 this is possible. You need to add a function to the Windows Explorer context menu to open the table in Database Explorer.

1. Open Windows Explorer
2. Select Tools > Folder Options
3. Click on the File Types tab
4. Click the New button
5. Enter DAT
6. Click Ok
7. Select this new added file type (DAT) in the list
8. Click the Advanced button
9. The Edit File Type page appears
10. Enter "DataFlex Table" in the first form field
11. Click the New button
12. Enter "DbExplorer 'Open-As'" in the field action
- For VDF 12 and higher: Enter '<path to dbexplor.exe>\dbexplor.exe -xNOWORKSPACE "-t%1"' in Application to perform action.
- For VDF 8 - 11: Enter '<path to dbexplor.exe>\dbexplor.exe "FILENAME=%1"' in Application to perform action.
- For VDF 7: Enter '<path to your runtime>\dfrun.exe <path to the location of dbexplorer>\dbexplor.vd7 "FILENAME=%1"' in Application to perform action.
13. Click the Ok button
14. Click the Ok button (on Edit File Type page)
15. Click the Close button (on Folder Options dialog)

Now a right mouse click on a DAT file will show "DbExplorer 'Open-As'" in the context menu letting you open the table directly.

You can do this with INT files, too, if you would like. But be aware that the Visual DataFlex virtual machine needs to find all the file depencies in its current path. For example, opening a .INT file for Pervasive.SQL table requires the correct DDF's to be found/opened.

Contributed By:
Vincent Oorsprong
Company: Data Access Worldwide
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