Article ID 1184
Article Title HOWTO: Get information about a disk file using the Windows API
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KBase Category Visual DataFlex
Date Created 11/14/2000
Last Edit Date 05/24/2001

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How can I retrieve the size of a file on a disk?

You can use the Windows API to get this type of information. Using the attached code, you can a file's size and time/date, and many more attributes.

This is the Windows API function call code, and attached you can find a complete compileable example:


Define Max_Path For |CI260
Define MinChar  For |CI$80
Define MaxChar  For |CI$7F
Define MinShort For |CI$8000
Define MaxShort For |CI$7FFF
Define MinLong  For |CI$80000000
Define MaxLong  For |CI$7FFFFFFF
Define MaxByte  For |CI$FF
Define MaxWord  For |CI$FFFF
Define MaxDword For |CI$FFFFFFFF

// For example, to get the time string
//    "11:29:40 PM"
// use the following picture string:
//    "hh':'mm':'ss tt"
External_Function GetTimeFormat "GetTimeFormatA" Kernel32.Dll ;
   Dword LCID Dword dwFlags Pointer lpsSystemTime Pointer lpFormat Pointer lpTimeStr Integer cchTime Returns Integer

// This function returns the time for the computer. It is the time of the clock shown in the taskbar of windows
External_Function GetLocalTime "GetLocalTime" Kernel32.Dll ;
   Pointer lpsSystemTime Returns Integer

// This function returns the time in Greenwich (GST) currently based on the local time and the timezone information
External_Function GetSystemTime "GetSystemTime" Kernel32.Dll ;
   Pointer lpsSystemTime Returns Integer

//External_Function GetLastError "GetLastError" Kernel32.Dll ;
//   Returns Dword

External_Function GetDateFormat "GetDateFormatA" Kernel32.Dll ;
   Dword LCID Dword dwFlags Pointer lpsSystemTime Pointer lpFormat Pointer lpDateStr Integer cchDate Returns Integer

Define LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE   For |CI$80000000 // do not use user overrides
Define TIME_NOMINUTESORSECONDS For |CI$00000001 // do not use minutes or seconds
Define TIME_NOSECONDS          For |CI$00000002 // do not use seconds
Define TIME_NOTIMEMARKER       For |CI$00000004 // do not use time marker
Define TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT  For |CI$00000008 // always use 24 hour format

//  Date Flags for GetDateFormatW.
Define DATE_SHORTDATE        For |CI$00000001  // use short date picture
Define DATE_LONGDATE         For |CI$00000002  // use long date picture
Define DATE_USE_ALT_CALENDAR For |CI$00000004  // use alternate calendar (if any)

// declare required structures
Type SystemTime
   Field SystemTime.wYear As Word
   Field SystemTime.wMonth As Word
   Field SystemTime.wDayOfWeek As Word
   Field SystemTime.wDay As Word
   Field SystemTime.wHour As Word
   Field SystemTime.wMinute As Word
   Field SystemTime.wSecond As Word
   Field SystemTime.wMilliseconds As Word

Type FileTime
   Field FileTime.dwLowDateTime As Dword
   Field FileTime.dwHighDateTime As Dword

Type Win32_Find_Data
   Field Win32_Find_Data.dwFileAttributes As Dword
   Field Win32_Find_Data.ftCreationLowDateTime As Dword
   Field Win32_Find_Data.ftCreationHighDateTime As Dword
   Field Win32_Find_Data.ftLastAccessLowDateTime As Dword
   Field Win32_Find_Data.ftLastAccessHighDateTime As Dword
   Field Win32_Find_Data.ftLastWriteLowDateTime As Dword
   Field Win32_Find_Data.ftLastWriteHighDateTime As Dword
   Field Win32_Find_Data.nFileSizeHigh As Dword
   Field Win32_Find_Data.nFileSizeLow As Dword
   Field Win32_Find_Data.dwReserved0 As Dword
   Field Win32_Find_Data.dwReserved1 As Dword
   Field Win32_Find_Data.cFileName As Char Max_Path
   Field Win32_Find_Data.cAlternateFileName As Char 14

// lpFileTime     :pointer to file time to convert
// lpSystemTime   :pointer to structure to receive system time
External_Function FileTimeToSystemTime "FileTimeToSystemTime" Kernel32.Dll ;
   Pointer lpFileTime Pointer lpSystemTime Returns Integer

External_Function FileTimeToLocalFileTime "FileTimeToLocalFileTime" Kernel32.Dll ;
   Pointer lpFileTime Pointer lpSystemTime Returns Integer

// lpFileName      :address of name of file to search for
// lpFindFileData  :address of returned information
External_Function FindFirstFile "FindFirstFileA" Kernel32.Dll ;
   Pointer lpFileName Pointer lpFindFileData Returns Handle

// hFindFile       :handle of search
// lpFindFileData  :address of structure for data on found file
External_Function FindNextFile "FindNextFileA" Kernel32.Dll ;
   Handle hFindFile Pointer lpFindFileData Returns Integer

// hFindFile       :file search handle
External_Function FindClose "FindClose" Kernel32.Dll ;
   Handle hFindFile Returns Integer

To get the file size of a single file, you could use this code:

Function APIFileSize Global string sFileName returns integer
    dWord dwFileSizeHigh dwFileSizeLow
    integer iFileSize iVoid
    handle hFindFile
    pointer lpsFilePath lpsWin32FindData
    string sWin32FindData
    GetAddress of sFileName to lpsFilePath
    ZeroType Win32_Find_Data to sWin32FindData
    GetAddress of sWin32FindData to lpsWin32FindData
    move (FindFirstFile (lpsFilePath, lpsWin32FindData)) to hFindFile
    if (hFindFile<>INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) begin
        GetBuff From sWin32FindData At Win32_Find_Data.nFileSizeHigh To dwFileSizeHigh
        GetBuff From sWin32FindData At Win32_Find_Data.nFileSizeLow To dwFileSizeLow
    move (FindClose (hFindFile)) to iVoid
    moveInt ((dwFileSizeHigh * MaxDword) + dwFileSizeLow) to iFileSize

    function_return iFileSize
End_Function  // APIFileSize

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File directory_browser.src

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