For professional developers....
DataFlex Studio is a complete application development toolkit for building commercial web, mobile and Windows applications and web services. A license for DataFlex Studio is required for each person that uses DataFlex Studio for commercial purposes. New Studio licenses include the first years annual Subscription.
Commercial DataFlex Studio licenses include:
- The visual design Studio integrated with the compiler, debugger, application framework, component library, database utilities and documentation
- A 3-User DataFlex Windows Client with Connectivity Kits for MS-SQL, DB2, and ODBC for internal development and production use solely within the Studio licensees company. Additional users can be purchased for the 3-user license; Windows Clients for deployment to third parties must be purchased separately.
- A distributable Evaluation Windows Client to enable commercial software developers to freely distribute trial copies of their products. The Evaluation WIndows Client expires 60-days after installation.
- A DataFlex WebApp Server for development and testing use only. For production use of web and mobile applications, seperate WebApp Server or Web Client licenses are required.
- A sub-license to use and deploy Codejock Softwares Xtreme ReportControl, Xtreme CommandBars and Xtreme SkinFramework ActiveX controls with DataFlex Windows applications.
See the License Agreement for complete details of usage and deployment entitlements.
Licensed under Patent No. 5,490,216