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Hurricane Dorian Humanitarian Relief


dorianEmail2Recently, category five Hurricane Dorian pummeled the Bahamian islands for nearly two full days. As of today...

  • Over 70,000 Bahamians are homelessbahamas1
  • 53 deaths have been confirmed
  • 1,300 people are still missing...
  • 80%-90% of housing and infrastructure was destroyed on the two islands most strongly hit
  • Those that remain on the islands are in desperate need of basic necessities such as clean water, santitation, and access to food

Data Access Worldwide wants to do our part to help those in need, so we have partnered with the non-profit American Red Cross for the collection and distribution of donations to help those recovering from Hurricane Dorian’s wrath.

We ask that you join with us to help those impacted by this storm. Please donate...

Double your Dorian donation! Through the end of October, Data Access Worldwide pledges to match all funds received on our American Red Cross donation page up to $5,000.

Donate Now

We know all too well what our coastal neighbors are going through. Data Access Worldwide experienced the utter devastation that comes with such a storm when Hurricane Andrew directly impacted Miami, FL, home to our office headquarters, in 1992. Dealing with the aftermath of such a storm doesn’t stop when the winds do. Please help us help others!