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DataFlex Styler update enables Web developers to control more than colors!


DataFlex Web developers have been using the DataFlex Styler for over five years to easily customize the color schemes in their applications without the need to directly modify CSS. The latest update to the Styler goes much further than simply supporting those same capabilities for the recently-released DataFlex 2021 – it expands the WYSIWYG interface with control over fonts, lists and grids, web forms and buttons when using the Material theme, all with no CSS knowledge required!

The DataFlex Styler is an online service. To access the DataFlex Styler, simply login with your Data Access ID – it’s free!

The DataFlex Styler supports the following themes:

  • DataFlex 20.0 (New)
    • Material (expanded control)
    • Flat Touch
    • Flat Desktop
  • DataFlex 19.1
    • Material (new expanded control)
    • Flat Touch
    • Flat Desktop
  • DataFlex 19.0
    • Flat Touch
    • Flat Desktop
  • DataFlex 18.2
    • Flat Touch
    • Flat Desktop

Learn more about Styling Web Applications and how to use the DataFlex Styler.

View the How to use the DataFlex Styler course in the Learning Center.

Update Release: DataFlex Styler