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Did you know about these enhancements for DataFlex Windows apps?


Add a little something to your Windows apps.

Sometimes the smallest of changes make the biggest differences for end users. Here are some small, and some not so small, enhancements that can be easily integrated into your Windows applications.

DataFlex RTF Toolbar Library

 RTF Toolbar Library

This library contains the needed components to build an RTF ButtonBar and an RTF TypeFace Bar for Windows apps.

RTF Toolbar Library Details


DataFlex TrayIcon Library

TrayIcon Library

This library allows for your applications icon to be assigned to the Windows Tray rather than the taskbar. A popup with commercial information can be shown, and a DataFlex driven floating menu popup can be triggered with a right mouse click.

TrayIcon Library Details


Drag and Drop Treeview Library for DataFlex

Drag and Drop Treeview Library

Use this library to create a Windows treeview control with drag and drop capabilities inside one treeview or between multiple treeviews.

Drag and Drop Treeview Library Details


Graphics Library

Graphics Library

Display images in your apps in nearly every popular format (GIF, JPG, PNG, ICO, BMP, and more). Two included demo projects intelligently showcase the many techniques that can be applied to the images.

Graphics Library Details


Other Resources

DataFlex Tips & Tricks: short videos that are useful when programming in DataFlex

DataFlex Download Center: Download the latest DataFlex products, utilities, books and example workspaces

DataFlex Learning Center: video courses for all skill levelsDataFlex Support Forums: ask questions - get answers

DataFlex Support Forums: ask questions - get answers