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DataFlex - Reporting


Unlock the valuable business information in your data. Data Access Worldwide offers a variety of tools to deliver information to users on desktop and mobile devices.

DataFlex Reports

For Both Developers and End-Users

DataFlex Reports automates the creation of precision layouts with an intuitive, graphical on-screen design tool both developers and end-users love to use. From custom business forms to custom business formulas, DataFlex Reports provides the tools needed to handle advanced reporting requirements, fully integrated with your DataFlex applications -- you can even stream HTML or PDF output to a web browser. Learn more...

Dynamic AI

Make better decisions, faster!

For the easiest and quickest way to create management information, choose Dynamic AI. As a 100% web-based Business Intelligence platform, Dynamic AI delivers great looking, interactive reports, dashboards and charts to browsers running on desktops, tablets and mobile devices. Multi-level drill-downs, drill-ups,  charts and calendar can all be created with no programming and the results can even be delivered in scheduled emails. Learn more...

Built-in Resources

Our wizards will make you a wizard.

The Studio’s reporting wizards automate the creation of sophisticated, banded reports with unlimited programmatic control over data logic, totaling, formatting and graphic elements for all report sections and pagination. User interface objects for selection criteria and output destination are also automatically generated and DataFlex's built-in print engine includes a viewer that allows convenient navigation within the generated document.

Data? Your business needs information!

Business applications capture volumes of data, but too often fall far short in making quality information available and aligned with the varied users that need it. Both DataFlex Reports and Dynamic AI are superior tools that empower developers to succeed in getting business information out.

Applications create data.....

Reporting tools deliver information!